Start by going fishing...

I hear it all to often with folks...I should go fly-fishing now, BUT IT'S COLD!
What bugs should I use use? Do I have to wade? Will my rod guides freeze? Where are the fish located in winter?
All admirable excuses, but if you live in NW Montana chances are, you already have the right gear to starve off the winter chill.
Nice spots to try on the Flathead... Pressintine, Olde Steel Bridge and of course the SF below the dam, as the water is a bit warmer. If your not sure the answers to these questions give Ol' Lary's Fly & Supply a call, we're more than happy to help you out!

-Tightlines! CP
All I can say I Am Jealous!!!! But this ole lifetime TEXAS boy probably can't handle your COLD!!!! But not sure how your fish can handle the cold?!?! either. Guess I'll just have to keep catching these darn '0le' Large Mouth Bass (1-8 lbs.) And do so w/out freezing to death!!!!!. With that said I truly am Jealous of you folks!!!! If you need to warm up come SOUTH!!!!!
Jack Fitch, Montgomery,Texas ( fish81.jf@gmail.com!